Edit 画廊 日本陆前高田市老人住宅,海啸灾后重建 / The University of Tokyo Architect...
Edit 扎耶德儿童罕见疾病研究中心 / Stanton Williams
Selected Projects
Edit A Scaffolding System for a Temporary Facility / Peris+Tor...
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Edit Gallery of The RainShine House / Robert M. Cain - 24
Edit 生于城市,别与城市——阿根廷传统住房改造 / CCPM Arquitectos
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Edit 火山崖边的希腊式“窑洞” / Kapsimalis Architects
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Edit 废墟住宅 / Lily Jencks Studio + Nathanael Dorent Architecture
Selected Projects
Edit Folie Divine ,一栋‘自动旋转’的公寓 / Farshid Moussavi Architecture
Selected Projects
Edit 空中阁楼,最艺术最自由的公寓 Loft Panzerhalle / Smartvoll Architekten Z...
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Edit 马哈拉特3号住宅 / CAAT Studio
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Edit 洛杉矶市中心计划建造70层高楼,灵感源于玛丽莲梦露“扬起的裙子”
Architecture News
Edit “动感”集合住宅/Bigoni Mortemard
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Edit 乐高之家 / BIG
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Edit 温州永嘉世贸中心 / P A L Design
Selected Projects
Edit AD 经典:Le Cylindre Sonore / Bernhard Leitner
Architecture Classics